cwlau1049 發表於 1-11-2009 10:25:55


其實係邊就職,我唔識睇英文= =

aclet0821 發表於 1-11-2009 10:49:46

what the hell are you talking about = =

iloveme 發表於 1-11-2009 16:33:53


aclet0821 發表於 1-11-2009 16:46:04

其實係邊就職,我唔識睇英文= =
cwlau1049 發表於 1-11-2009 12:25 PM
I think I sort of know wat you're talking about...
I'm guessing what you can be such as warrior/mage/ranger?
(cos most hk MMORG on-line game's character have a style, and they have to choose the style when they first start the character... correct me if i'm wrong... i don't play hk online games.. so yea... im not really sure about this)

In RuneScape, we don't have such thing, just train whatever you want to.
Main cb style includes: 1. Warrior2. Mage3. Ranger
The other skills helps your RS gaming....

to explain all is hard.... and a long story...
so please be specific on what you want to ask about =P

samhwu 發表於 15-2-2010 11:47:08

本帖最後由 samhwu 於 15-2-2010 12:01 編輯

最簡單+retard既說法,你拎住把弓米係 弓手
你拎住把法仗 米=法師lor-.-
拎住把近戰武= 戰士-.-

唉,如果你咁都唔明,你玩番d hk game算啦=.=


aclet0821 發表於 15-2-2010 14:26:17

最簡單+retard既說法,你拎住把弓米係 弓手
你拎住把法仗 米=法師lor-.-
拎住把近 ...
samhwu 發表於 15-2-2010 01:47 PM
u know I can't type Chinese chau ho la... no need say.. XD
btw... next time watch watch post time sin reply...
this post was created 3months ago = =

raymond518 發表於 17-2-2010 20:23:06


Angusckf96 發表於 11-3-2010 09:33:24

唉..........Cant read English- -?
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