windleaf70 發表於 21-5-2010 23:31:36


有d人點樣有個+1---+8,我見好多pk vid都有人有. 當係xxxx(level83+5),我都想有

aclet0821 發表於 21-5-2010 23:34:14

that +? is based on the person's summoning lvl...
since summoning lvl affects ur combat lvl.
so they have xxx+?? if any players with summoning lvls goes to any pvp world or f2p world...
so that xxx is aka. f2p lvl... while that +?? is based on summoning lvl
this is basically due to f2p max cb lvl is 126... and with summoning, it's 18 (f2p max + 12)

Megarunes 發表於 21-5-2010 23:43:40

【RuneScape】教學指南及問答區<- 版主整出黎係比人係個度問野架lor

jcjefferson 發表於 22-5-2010 01:21:24

本帖最後由 jcjefferson 於 22-5-2010 01:22 編輯

Megarunes 發表於 21-5-2010 23:43

Megarunes 發表於 22-5-2010 01:42:00

jcjefferson 發表於 22-5-2010 01:21

windleaf70 發表於 22-5-2010 21:50:04

sorry lor,下次咪去個到問lor,駁唔駛咁話我

aclet0821 發表於 24-5-2010 14:42:58

sorry lor,下次咪去個到問lor,駁唔駛咁話我
windleaf70 發表於 22-5-2010 11:50 PM
haha.. they always like that..
but now you know there's a questions and answers area =]
next time rmb la :D
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