heysont 發表於 26-8-2010 21:32:24

F2P點升smithing ?

I don't mind does it got profit.
Please suggest a good way. THX!

chloung123 發表於 26-8-2010 21:36:28


timothy0623 發表於 26-8-2010 21:38:15

去smith mithril bar...

bluewinger 發表於 27-8-2010 07:11:06

If you have storng financial as support, and u don't mind loss money, just want XP.
U may think about "power leveling" in f2p
For example, if ur smithing lvl is 29,u can buy iron bars in ge and turn them to iron platebody(5 -> 1), steel bar to steel plate and so on

*U'll suffer a remarkable loss

samhwu 發表於 28-8-2010 12:37:37

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